Deep Energy Retrofit Pilot Program

Deep Energy Retrofit Pilot Program

PNG’s Deep Energy Retrofit Pilot Program is a customized, comprehensive, holistic analysis and construction process to renew a building’s architectural, mechanical and electrical systems in order to drastically reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

A Deep Energy Retrofit can lead to significant energy and emission savings.

A Deep Energy Retrofit can include:

  • Envelope upgrades: wall and attic insulation, air sealing, and high-performance windows
  • Architectural design elements: natural ventilation, daylighting, shading
  • Energy efficient space heating and cooling measures: hybrid heating systems and heat pumps
  • Controls: optimize space heating according to schedule, occupancy and demand
  • Energy-efficient domestic hot water heaters
  • Renewable energy sources: solar panels, solar-thermal systems and biomethane

Benefits of a Deep Energy Retrofit

Benefits of completing a Deep Energy Retrofit include:

  • Drastically reduced energy consumption, often by at least 50%
  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions
  • Significantly lower heating costs
  • A more comfortable living or working environment
  • Improved indoor air quality

A Deep Energy Retrofit can be an expensive, time-consuming and complex project. PNG’s pilot program is designed to reduce the cost and complexity for home and business owners to help them to realize the significant benefits these upgrades provide.

Apply to Participate in PNG’s Pilot Program

Interested in being part of a Deep Energy Retrofit project? PNG wants to hear from homeowners, business owners and qualified contractors. Please contact with a description of your project.

Learn More

Interested in learning more about Deep Energy Retrofits? Check out these resources: